Your Piece got to me early on. Good breakdown of how fear can reverberate throughout our minds, stagnating even our bodies as we attempt to go forth. Fear can stifle any efforts we have to proceed with the execution of those special talents in our life.
I am a professional photographer and studied publishing/editing at NYU. I have thus been shooting and writing for most of my adult life. My closets and the space beneath my bed contained literally hundreds of composition books and portfolios of my life’s-work. Instead of working in the fields I felt especially trained for, I labored on Wall Street, Advertising and Banks. For what seems most of my life I practically trembled at the thought of having someone read my deepest thoughts or dissect my hidden prints.
A few years ago I decided I would rewrite some of my material and put it out there for a limited audience to view, come hell or high water. I’d bear the brunt of any rancor, and just plow right on through. Surprisingly the criticism did not hurt as much as I expected. I began to feel there was something to my work after all. Perhaps I had gotten a bit better at my crafts over time and hadn’t quite realized it. Incredibly a few folks even began praised my Works. Encouraged somewhat I opened my soul and began writing a bit more each day. Before long I was gaining confidence with every project. Soon enough a host of varied opinions of my work caused me to hold my head a bit higher. It wasn’t long before I was improving with every story or article I wrote. As well as my photography which also improved beyond measure.
The fright which stunted my early development, causing me to do nothing for years had dissipated. I had faced my fears and powered through. Now I find myself plowing through each project with confidence. Any naysayers who do not understand my Works will just have to stand aside and let the rest of the world experience my value. Fear conquered, I am not about to turn around at this point.