Member-only story
Think You Like Writing?
Pen’person’ship as an Art darn well keeps one close to home.
There to research and joyfully write their fill most nights.
Offering little need to rush out into inclement weather.
Pounding rickety backdoor theater entrances.
Nor lumber toward the Metro in mucky ankle deep snow.
Over to 57th Street, across from the ArtStudentsLeague.
Choosing among brushes ‘n easels; paints, inks and such.
Neither ever will they find the need nor wont to measure
Wide frontal lots, sharp distended fixtures or bedroom rugs.
But only sit warmly while wondering-wildly, pondering which
Pen and paper to choose. Pounding keys ’til they scream: ‘Fin’!
Batches stacked-to-‘OnLine’-order. All to be read and re-read while
Forsaking friends and fun. Then to edit the darn thing
— again thru midnight.