The Most ‘Righteous’ Nation On Earth… .

Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr
2 min readNov 26, 2020
photo: flw-rogersJR. // art: Municipal B’ldg~NYC

I know how this will sound to most “Progressives”, but I tire of us whining-about-Trump…and not applying a legal-remedy; since we-the-People are (at least ‘equal’) to him and his Law buddies — just DO something!

Those Founding-Fathers we revere set-up a ‘solid’ Constitution and Bill of Rights some 200-years ago. It was thought such sacred Documents would somehow cover ‘all-sins’; and it seemed…



Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr

Writer/Photographer; (A.F.S.P.P.F./NASA), Brokerage; . Dep’t of Education; StudentOfTheGame: POKER;~ }