PEOPLE ~ Cannot Live With Them; Can’t Live Wit‘Em!

Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr
2 min readOct 17, 2021
Photo: f.l.willow-rogersJr. // Art: ‘sidewalks’ of NYC

Seems a vast majority of Earthly Beings

Tend to promote our own branded minds,

As if simple secondhand wares. Within that

Smallish circle of the idle Marketplace

Commonly defined as The Mainstream.

A slippery slope of misunderstanding,

We accept as the willing standard. That awful slang

Which define us as nincompoops. Branded as one,

In that cubicle of willing ‘sheep’. Marching ruggedly as

Middle-minded residents of an area of Hades.

Most of us already reside there somehow.

In such a space where we remain rooted.

Homemade minds, severely shuttered therein —

Both word and in deed. Wallowing

In the muddy depths of our own greatest fears.

Granting the demons-of-limitation the Ideas and

Minds we develop. We who choose to not Read-Widely.

Never mind there’s never enough time to begin

Defining ourselves. Well-‘trained’ lessons about the Gods.



Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr

Writer/Photographer; (A.F.S.P.P.F./NASA), Brokerage; . Dep’t of Education; StudentOfTheGame: POKER;~ }