Member-only story
photo: f.l.willow-rogers jr. / art: Friend,Saving-the-World, TheVillage; NYC’19
All those vaulted Works we reverently read in all the “Bibles” of all cultures of the world seem upon first browsing to have been directly written-by-an-omnipotent-God. That [M]an Up-There; the Master of the Universe. Were we to look closer and dig deeper we’d discover that the exchanges among all those many Apostles and Disciples throughout history tell a quite different story. We give credit to the dedicated men and women of Ancient times for writing those ‘sacred’ Texts. Though they did actually ‘pen’ the chronicles of the “gods”, the sum and substance of the Works was not provided by them — but more accurately through them.
The ‘Books’ these brave if common folk left for us were not researched nor conceived by these Apostles. This is a Truth worth telling about them; not so unlike that being uncovered by [researchers exploring the facts of the real and actual life of Mr. William (the Bard) Shakespeare .]— “..personal biographical facts survive, which is unsurprising in the light of his social status as a commoner, the low esteem in which his profession was held, and the general lack of interest of the time in the personal lives of writers. Information about his life derives from public instead of private documents: vital records, real estate and tax records, lawsuits, records of payments, and…