Hi there; why ask silly, arrogant persons of the opposite gender if there truly is such a thing. It is she who is proposing to brutally insert nastiness into these unnecessary GenderWars... ! Reading closely seems she is endorsing some Man’splain’n thing just for the heck of it. If she wants to play this kind of game we can make up our own. We are not her 'tool'. Her article was written-on-Blast! Expecting males to react negatively, to sulk or to be passive. Why do what she wants, instead be an exception to the rule.
There is no need to play a negative person’s game. Society is set-up in such a manner that the male still does most of the asking. She rules because she has the position to say no. Ruling-you. You have two choices, turn around and leave her cold or properly kiss her butt.
You’re supposed to be meek and mild in your ask’n; she on the other hand makes a bold and raucous type demand. The game is to reduce us to whining beggars while all the while she’s strutting her stuff. :- )
The counter-game is equality between/among the genders, beyond all else. Ask when they ask; demand when they demand. Regardless what the deal once was — never go back to a one-sided argument. One need not live in the past. Today’s dating is about now. I should kneel and ‘kiss your stilettos', in what century? I don’t think so. So you say that we have equal rank in the brokerage business; pulling down the very same salary. Still I’m “supposed” to always buy the meals, pay for the drinks even unbox a glittering necklace every other week. No way Jose(ette)! You too are single and have a burstiing bank account, buy me a standard stainless steel fully inscribed charm bracelet once in a while — why don’t ‘cha!
Look the world has changed; so let’s change with the world. No more of this all out army of attitude on either side. I’m not about gender-Warring. But I’m not ducking and hiding either. Say to her: look around “Ms. Thang”, you’ll find there are a few of us Independent gentlemen who won’t give-no-stuff, but are not about to take-any-stuff either! It’s all about lovely interaction between and among the genders; equal and balanced, without fear or favor. Life’s too short to live otherwise.
~~::oops, sorry to go-on so:::