Hi Elana Hernon; I enjoy reading your Works. I do wonder though at your interesting assertion: “..It’s our war. Not God’s. God did not create this.”
Even as a growing-child into adulthood, I wondered (sometimes aloud) about any earthly-‘responsibility’ the Lord On High might have regarding His cherished progeny.
How is it the Master of the Universe, the Creator of all Time/Space and organic people, places and objects either does not know about, care about or choose to not involve Himself in our miscellaneous ‘Human’ activity?
I am reminded of all the times throughout history 20,000 or more men are slaughtered on the battlefields of God’s good, green earth. Not to mention the scores of “innocent” women and children caught in random skirmishes all along the countryside away from the fighting.
We all can recall the many stories of an occasional bus filled with orphans averaging under the age of ten years, flipping over and falling 800-feet down a cliff-face. Or a train car carrying sleeping nuns which uncouples and slides back down the track tumbling into a boulder strewn, deep raging river below… !
This can leave a person wondering about the ‘selective-ness’ of our Lord and Master’s Absolute-‘reasoning’ where we are concerned. And so one dares to ask if we (His selected Beings) aren’t just mere pawns on a galactic chessboard best seen only-from-space.