Hear, hear. Thank you for your exceptional/clear-spoken response. :~ }




"The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

'ideas about the relationship between science and religion' " --GOOGLE


-- It is beyond childish for any Being to believe that a 'Man-Up-There' created, or could at all ever create the Universe of Universes. The scope of which no one can even/ever concieve. The endlessness of it all is beyond rekoning, from the ['center?'] to the very ['edge?']. It is also far beyond us all to even begin to understand how, what and why this "U of U" exists at all. But what is NOT is question: no *Person had anything to do with such a Creation, nor could have any such 'power' ever at all. Full Stop.

Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr
Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr

Written by Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr

Writer/Photographer; (A.F.S.P.P.F./NASA), Brokerage; . Dep’t of Education; StudentOfTheGame: POKER;~ }

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