Member-only story
HAIKU~“Baker’s Dozen”, [+]
photo: FrankL.Willow-RogersJr. / art: ‘LaGuardia to Infinity’, NYCport
Call your Lord in vain;
You say: “O.M.(f)G.”!
Does no one listen?
‘Though I know you’re wrong,
I will accept your orders
’Til my luck runs out…
Except of course pens,
Greatest invention of all
Bottle opener.
Once I thumped a glass.
T’was ultra fine cognac kind…
Horrors — it shattered!
It was October.
Nothing was supposed to grow,
I dropped a rice grain.
Why write on paper?
Computers are all the rage
— Save, or I forget.
I actually heard
Them say, “Handle a Q-tip”
As if it were pure.