Excellently resourced, wonderfully thought-through and very, very well written.
--I along with my work colleagues are mandated to attend continuous/consistent 'primers' on Sex; Rudeness; Gender etc. Daily / weekly & monthly. Both inside the Business and by outsiders who come-in to "speak" on the subjects.
--Watching those I work alongside, listening to them and exchanging with them in 'Break-Out' sessions, show me that they take notes well. They 'learn' the details of what has been finally brought to light; but it is painfully obvious that really 'getting-it' is not so easily obtainable for many.
--Yes, I believe that for quite a few citizens of this country and the world at large, Lifetime Whiteness (albeit good-Folks in many ways), are merely treading...not really hearing nor actually 'getting' the basics of the 'notion'. The difference between who they were, are and what is finally Open-Reality, stares all of us in the face--with a mighty grimace.
Because for so many reasons--which you so aptly cover; Breaking-Up is so very hard to do.
~ Willow