Member-only story
Direct Recognition of Trump(ian) Events
I am ::presently::: “experiencing” one of the most powerful moments of Constitutional Business ever — from ThePeople’sFloor; the Senate of the UnitedStatesOfAmerica… .
I wonder if Ex-President[’45] and his ‘precious’ family are themselves watching as (People Died and were Maimed for Life{!}. I have no doubt those Capitol-protectors’ families are watching this very moment.
— {btw} ~ Many [*Patriots] on the Republican side of the (isle)Senators who we [with Trump] at every step of this horrendously seditious RaidOnTheCapitol — turned their heads… Away(!!!!),
— These anti-clarity sect bodies sit pridefully erect in their vaulted seats of Service, as if the FactsOfTheMatter against Donald J. TRUMP & his Republican MembersOfCongress Cohorts were/are not actually in Evidence.
— Who among us would not agree wholly with the ‘prosecutors’ on the Democrat side of the isle that Our-democracy is SO in jeopardy these 5-years since President Trump as so sordidly ‘reigned’. This is the one thing we all need to consider; with full attention and open-minds, at this moment of ‘living’ history “I.T.Y.ofO.L.”: February 9th 2021.