Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr
4 min readSep 10, 2018


photo: f.l.w-rogersjr. @ CloistersNYC,NY


May I begin by saying even stray dogs remain in ‘their own lanes’. Birds flying high manage to miss each other in the sky. Humans on the other hand tend to be by far, the most ‘interesting’ of all creatures.

Take a casual stroll along any walkway. You’ll notice we meander all over the place. People while walking do not bother to notice how to position their bodies in respect to others of our kind. The haphazard movement of pedestrians when we are thrown together is very often in disarray, but it seems no one bothers to notice. Interestingly enough people negotiate dangerous traffic along busy turnpikes, much more safely than when taking to the sidewalk. Why is it we seem more comfortable passing others in a vehicle at fifty-five miles an hour than approaching a nanny on the walkway taking an evening stroll? Is it only when we walk about that we fail to respect another’s access to public lanes?

Were one to stand in a beautiful garden watching a parade of butterflies, their movement would be art-like. Bunches of insects flutter about all day long, doing their work in a choreographed manner. They move at a racing-pace at their own level, yet seem to glide by with care and consideration one for the other.

We folks bump and bang into each other though, even on wide city streets. Electronic signals and color coordinated signs are not enough to keep us…



Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr

Writer/Photographer; (A.F.S.P.P.F./NASA), Brokerage; . Dep’t of Education; StudentOfTheGame: POKER;~ }