Member-only story
Astrophysics From The Beginning — At Best
I suppose I can finally call myself: “That Guy”. (Don’t be that-guy) who always leads-in conversationally with another of those — ‘millions and millions of Stars’ type of topics, ha. Too late I seemingly have become that guy. Now that my ‘*star-god’ Hawkin is no longer with us I find I am of necessity locked-in to a new star-guy named Lawrence Maxwell Krauss.
That was an awkward beginning. Now I feel I must scurry back to the beginning, sort’a. About ten days ago I somehow ‘killed-off’ my TV set. It’s a very wide, thin and mega-modern system which operates on two remotes. The Cable guy who came by a few months ago showed me how to shortcut the controls. He re-set everything, turning the whole kit n’ caboodle over to a newfangled “Spectrum”-commander. My curious brain likes options and do’dads and such so I figured out how to do a repop-back-over to the old Sony style system. I sought to re-include or network the two remotes in the process. It was fun. I like fun, and detail and delirium it would seem; even when it can potentially wreck an important viewing structure.
I did not bother to call the cable guy again, but tried to fix the problem myself. When I could not remedy the situation I decided it might be a good-thing to try foregoing television altogether for a spell — just for the hell of it. Also I know how to do loads of things on my…