As Above; So Below

Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr
2 min readOct 11, 2022
photo: F.L.Willow-RogersJr. / art: it’s “real”!/?

There is absolutely no doubt

That the “gods” we think we know,

Are more surely those enigmatic ‘Others’.

Eras ago; they came ‘down’, dominated and

Planned this world with us. Certain constructions

Utilize multiples of extra heavy and

Wondrous Walls, Standing Stones, and a

Myriad of stellar Pyramids. Scattered all round

This fertile Colony of [theirs]…prior to giving all

Back again to our-kind. Every 3600 years they do

Choose to Return to us. It’s “The 2ndComing, called by

Our Olden Forebears. Because of it’s ultimate bearing.

Craftily boomerang round that unique dark-star

WayOut there on the outer edge of our

Shared SolarSystem. Verging back again and

Again toward our Commonly shared Sun.

Converging into that perigee between Jupiter and

Mars at ‘The Crossing’. It is they who precisely

‘Developed’ us — and our structure and manner of being

Here on earth. Stamping their signature on our World and



Frank L. Willow-Rogers Jr

Writer/Photographer; (A.F.S.P.P.F./NASA), Brokerage; . Dep’t of Education; StudentOfTheGame: POKER;~ }