..The way Americans tend to see ourselves — right or left...errrr, wrong! Citizens of these (Unique) United States. A "Special" Nation. Our "God-given rights". The Right to be Wrong. The space to be stupid — even our Red, Brown, Black and Yellow citizens puke privilege to some extent... .
Wedged as if within a protective barrier. Between two massive oceans. It’s said we have a 'friendly' and 'clean' country to the north of us. Then they would continue with, “a 'filthy' country to the south of us...pushing their way in!”
Even poor souls among us often gorge themselves when they can: KFC, McDonalds, and such. The most ‘common’ among us moan and flail-about regarding our degradation and lack of opportunity. Who doubts the most successful Vietnamese oyster-man would trade places with the ‘worst’ of us in a New York minute.
Occasionally we catch ourselves and pull-back a bit. That is when some true friend or an enlightened community member takes the time to remind us to look around and know we are ‘blessed’. Push a pin into a map — any map then research the comparative situation in their brave new world. Random choices of locations show us: [Those People--Over There] on any day, have less — much less, than we ‘think’ we do.